Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"That baby looks like your man from Bronski beat."

When quoting this line from the short film, Six Shooter, your mummy was making a serious observation about you. We were looking through some old photos of you and we came across this one:

I said, "Aww, look at this one!" and your mummy said, he looks like Jimmy Somerville. He looks like your man from Bronski Beat."

For your reference, here is a picture of your man from Bronski Beat:

She does kind of have a point.

Froggy cup

For easter, your grandma and grandad got you this cup. You love it. You don't love exactly for the same reasons we do. You love it because it makes a really loud crashing sound as it hits the floor and the head bursts off, leaving water or juice or beer or whatever you're drinking all over the floor.

I can't tell you how mad it has made your mummy and I.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


In an earlier blog we mentioned you had said, 'dangerous,' when talking about opening a first floor window. Turns out we had uploaded the wrong video. The correct, corresponding video to that anecdote is here:

Words of three syllables or more are still very much stumping you and often your mummy and I are the only people who understand what you are saying but we assure you, at the start of this video, you make two attempts to say, 'dangerous.'

Before I forget what happened this morning

You are often saying things that make us genuinely laugh but this morning you made me ROFLOL (Google this if you don't know what it means.)

I was changing your pooey nappy and after I first undid the self-adhesive tab things and assessed the damage within, I looked at the mountain of poo in there and you said, as clear as you can say anything, "JEEESSUS!"

You have such a good skill of remembering and using words. Whenever you do a huge or particularly stinky poo and it's daddy's turn to change you, I often see it and say, "JEESSUS Noah!" to myself. You had just retained that information and used it today to make me laugh.

Hello/Bye Bye Birdies

In the morning, you have a lovely habit of looking out into the garden and saying "Hello birdies," to all the birds in the garden that simply aren't there.

In the evenings, you like to do much the same thing, only this time, you like waving goodbye to them.

Meanwhile, in between these greetings and farewells, you rabbit on about other stuff, only sometimes making sense to us. Only when looking back at these videos did your mummy notice that when she tells you to not open the window, you said, 'dangerous!'

What a clever boy.

Baddy's fist attempt at hunting

Mummy did a dynamite job of this 'BaddyCam' angle. The original was much longer and consisted of a lot of prodding by mummy to get Baddy to finally run out into the garden. You should have seen his face!

(Truth is, you did see his face. We know because we watched your face watching Baddy's face, only, by the time you read this, you won't have any recall of this memory. You aren't making any memories yet. That's why it's okay for us to call you an idiot or scare you with lion noises: there are no real, long term effects.)

Your step

This Ikea purchase has turned out to be a very good one. With your lack of height, we wanted to be a little less frustrated when it came to doing certain things like clean your teeth or look out of a window. Now you have your step, you spend seemingly hours gazing out of the window upstairs and talking to yourself about what you can see. It's funny watching you climb down from your step in one room, then clamber through to another room, dragging your step behind you to look out of another window. In the top picture, the bath was running for you, so you decided to have one last look out of mummy and daddy's window at the pigeons that Baddy was trying to stalk.

The bottom picture is a current favourite of ours. It sums up so  much of what your and our life is like at the minute somehow.

UnBEElievably pawly

Baddy has been having a wonderful time of it, running out into the garden, fannying around at pretending to be a cat and then running back into the house, breathless, for a drink of water and a bite to eat. Often, you are out there playing with him, too. Yesterday though, Baddy was hunting bees. Your daddy saw him do a huge comedy dive into the air in order to pounce on a bee. Two seconds later, he was licking his paw. We all assumed he had been stung.

Turns out, we were right...


The next day, he was dead

happy that the swelling had gone down.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Easter Sunday

Last Sunday, everyone came over to have a feast to celebrate the Lord Jesus Christ sacrificing bunnies for his father, The Lord Jesus Christ Snr. A lovely time was had by all and you loved having so many people to show off to. Here are some of the key photos: (I know, I know, it is lazy blogging.)

Green fingered grimacing

Daddy is not a natural gardener. Mummy took these pictures whilst your Dad was 'gardening'. He didn't know they were being taken. However, you can see how uncomfortable Daddy is messing around with plants. You can see the grimacing in his face, even from this distance...

Mummy and Noah

"I just found this picture of me and thought it would be a good one to put on the blog," said Mummy. "It's horrible," she added, grimacing and shaking her head to herself, "it's just a picture of a horrible, diseased-looking baby."

"That's sweet," said Daddy.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hitting mummy square in the jaw with a ball

'Send this in to Jeremy Beadle!' said someone, knowingly, 'you'll get £250.' 

No one laughed. Least of all daddy. He has a real issue with You've Been Framed. It's his view that no one ever received any money for that show.

Either way, this video is quality.


Driving is a whole new era we are currently in. During every single car journey we take, we cannot get away without letting you do some, "Ahdding." If we don't allow you to 'drive', you sit in your seat in the back and hold your hands out and say, "Pees! Pees! Pees! Ahdding! Ahdding! Pees! Pees! Da-dum! Da-dum! Da-dum!" (by the way, "Da-dum!" here means, 'Thank you.')

What is nice in the first video is the fact that you suddenly think about your Grandad...

You and Baddy, watching the world go by

This is a lovely little video of you watching the world go by from the comfort of your new step. Lovely to us. Boring to everyone else.

Some Skeggs videos

You cried like a baby on the car:

You loved fiercely gambling:

Paddling about:

More paddling:

Building a sandcastle:

A day trip to Skegness

The other day, during your daddy's half term from work, we went to Skegness for a day trip. It was a lot of fun, and we realise that you are now at a new age where you are able to understand and become excited by more and more things. As soon as we arrived, you screamed at the roller-coaster. We could not understand what you said, but you sounded excited about it. Other things that happened in bullet point form:

  • You ate fresh doughnuts
  • We encouraged you to gamble
  • Mummy terrified you by pointing out a door in the haunted house
  • You bawled your eyes out on a big car thing
  • You made a sandcastle
  • We played on the beach and in the lovely brown sea
  • You fell over in the sea and nearly got hypothermia
  • You touched a donkey
  • Daddy haggled for chips (and got 30p off)