Saturday, September 20, 2014

An 'explosion of language'

We read that there comes a time in every child's development that there is an 'explosion of language.' We feel that we are currently witnessing this explosion.

It would be impossible for us to begin to calculate how many words you have in your vocabulary because you are surprising us every day. At least once a day, you say something that makes your Mummy and I look at each other, frown and ask, "Noah, how can you possibly know that?"

Every time we pick you up from nursery, all of the staff bang on about how much difference they can see in you after only a week. They always have a story about the things you have been saying and making everyone laugh.

You are constantly narrating your little world, whether there are people present or not. Sentences are becoming longer and longer and your words more and more complex.

You have quite a healthy collection of books, and when we read your favourites with you, we don't have to even read it aloud, as you seem to have memorised a lot of the lines!

We are fully aware that every single child goes through exactly the same thing at one time or another and we certainly aren't making any 'child genius' claims about you. There is just a bottomless pit of pride we have for you and we always want you to know that.

Our twee, photo studioey photoshoot

This was the resulting photograph taken at Reilly Studios in Hinckley by John. After Mummy had said specifically, "We don't want anything studioey." Then Daddy nodded and said, "Nothing know...twee."

Needless to say, John took on board none of these comments and did his normal routine.

To be fair, there were some good shots. Despite taking nearly an hour to choose just one, we chose this one.

Your mummy doesn't like it any more, though. Not you, she thinks you look lovely. Not me either, she said I look great, It's her. Now, Noah. You are old enough now that you are reading this to reason like a normal human being. Can you please work out what is wrong with this picture of Mummy? Because I certainly can't.

And I won't say here the reasons why she doesn't like it...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Talking with Grandma

Talking on the phone with Grandad

We are always trying to explain to Grandma and Grandad how funny it is to watch you speaking on the phone. Well now we've filmed it so they can see for themselves. This is part 1.

Mummy makes Meerkat come to life

The funny thing about when Mummy brings Meerkat to life is that Daddy is just as spellbound and happy about it as you. 

You can't see here, but my face is filled with joy equal to yours.

We've not taught you a single guitar lesson. Swear down.

Even now, Noah, the term,"Swear down," is old fashioned. So god knows what it will sound like by the time you read this. Maybe you could bring it back.

Anyway, here you started playing guitar and singing some of your classic, favourite tracks. You sho such promise.

Mummy and Noah selfies (and one giant Daddy picture)

These are all spectacularly beautiful pictures of you and your Mummy. The only ruined picture is the top one with Daddy holding a tiny Fab lolly.

Or is Daddy just a giant?

Disco Diance

What you may not be able to tell about this video, Noah, is that you were completely and utterly exhausted here. Sure, you loved the music and you loved spinning round, but this was a day when you did not get your nap and you had been up from early. 

What you see here is not dancing. 

What you see here is delirium. Observe:

Problems with the number 4

A couple of hours ago, I was looking over Mummy's shoulder as she loaded the computer up. She opened Google and punched in: "My child won't count the number 4".

This wasn't a joke, Noah. She is genuinely worried. Frankly, so am I.

You seemed to master counting to ten really quite easily. This was ages and ages ago, seemingly.

Then one day, you just decided to stop using the number 4. You just say, "One...two...three...five...six etc." At first this was not a problem. But it's been a few months now and still no sign of the number four. No sign of it.

I pointed out to Mummy, "It's an important number, too!"

How many legs does a doggy have?

How many sides does a square have?

How many wheels are there on a car?

The list could go on and on and on.

With that said, it took about 40 minutes to think of those questions, so upon reflection, maybe it isn't that important. In fact, perhaps you are some sort of Will Hunting style mathematical genius and you are formulating a 'new maths' where the number four is not required. Time will tell.

(Although Robin Williams is dead so there won't be a maverick psychiatrist to tell you it's not your fault.)