Friday, March 15, 2013

Tummy time.

Midwifes and other baby-related nurses are always banging on about stuff we need to be doing and we take no real notice of it. Things like, "Feed him properly; make sure he's warm; stop feeding him skittles; blah blah blah". Yes, we know you've got your precious qualifications but we think we know our baby better than you, we made him, afterall. So if we want to feed him olives so he has a sophisticated palate or give him a "I love mummy and daddy" tattoo then that's what we'll do, thanks.

That said, 'tummy time' is something we kept getting told to do. "It's simple" said Johnny Know-it-all at the Doctors' surgery "You just lay him on his front and put his toys around him - it encourages him to crawl." Anyway, we did it to shut everyone up. Here he is having some tummy time. He actually quite likes it.

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