Saturday, October 12, 2013


It's odd. When Cheryl was pregnant, we both sort of prepared ourselves for the first few months of Noah's life. Not the huge difference of having a baby to keep alive now, but just the inevitable boredom we felt was coming our way from a human being that could do little more than breathe, eat and make poo. In reality, that boredom never came, much to our surprise. Even though he couldn't really do much for ages, we were so utterly in awe of him that any boredom of his lack of ability was washed away.

Now, he is getting really exciting. In the past few weeks, it just feels like he is making huge intellectual and physical leaps. This despite the fact that he did get a bit poorly and keeps having the odd bout of explosive diarrhoea (and subsequent nappy rash).

The fear of us forgetting the sort of timings that he hit certain recent milestones has encouraged us to write them down here (as best we can remember).

Nothing for ages...then
4 months: initiating a game of peepo with his blanket
4.5 months: bottom teeth
7.5 months: top teeth
7.5 months: saying 'mama'
8 months: standing up in cot
8 months: crawling
8 months: offering food to you
8.5 months: saying 'mama & ag'
9 months: gave kisses
9.5 months: first unaided steps

In the past few weeks, his tenth month, he seems to really have developed lots and lots. Now, he is waving goodbye and saying, "Ba-baa". He is saying "Flower" although it sounds more like, "F-wow-er". If you ask him where your nose is, he will point to it. The same goes for your mouth. He zooms up the stairs. He turns on the iPad and swipes through the screen. He makes a mean cup of coffee.

Everyone thinks their own child is a genius. Ours just happens to really be one.

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