Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Center Parcs

Before we forget! At Center Parcs, you had a lovely time.

A particular highlight was taking you onto all the different flumes in the swimming pool. You started on the pirate flume in the baby pool, which you appeared to show no signs of tiring of. Then some older kids went down the slide after you before they were supposed to and they must have hit into you in the flume because when you came out, you came out crying.

Daddy told those little boys off.

24 hours later, when recalling that incident, you told me, "Daddy rescued me!"

I liked that.

You didn't like swimming into the outdoor pool - "The smokey one," - because it was cold. You did like the other flumes a lot. That was until daddy took you on the biggest flume in the building. It was so big it had to go out the building. There were several times during that twisting and turning plunge to the bottom when you slid out of my arms and bashed into the chicane. When we were spat out the bottom, you looked at me with a very stony face and said, "I don't like that one, daddy."

So we went back onto the slightly smaller one. Which you loved. I laid on my back and you laid on top of me whilst my arms wrapped round you.

When we got to the bottom of that one, I could smell drains.

It stank of drains.

There was a very quick realisation that I stank of drains.

You had done a mountain of shit. A mountain of shit that had subsequently painted daddy and the whole of the entire world brown.

So we left.

That night. we went to a party. You ended up holding hands with a random girl for about 40 minutes. You dog! You strolled around that dancefloor like the Lord and Lady of the Manor.

Then we watched Frozen again. The end.

Monday, March 30, 2015


You love the butterfly farm. Not least because it is super warm in there.

Having fun, Noah? Tell your face

When mummy said you had been to a really good play centre thing all day, she assured me you had a good time. The pictures, for some reason, don't seem to tell that story...

Coming Soon: the completion of our perfect little family


You loved it at Centre Parcs. You even put up with the rain outside.

But you still much preferred being inside.

Super clever mummy

Your grandma and grandad had given us some bedside tables for when we had moved in. They are brown. Your mummy jazzed them up with lovely paint and exciting pictures.

She also made a rocket.

And bought a super cool clock thing.

This video is boring

This video certainly is boring, but it tells a story. That's why we've included it. 

We went to Centre Parcs this weekend. It was brilliant. Outside our cabin thing there lived some ducks. We fed these ducks Cheerios. You loved feeding them Cheerios. That is what they are eating in this video.

At the end of the video, off camera, you had a mouthful of cured meat that you decided to spit onto your plate like a meaty, pink slug. It was disgusting. Daddy wanted to do an experiment. The experiment took the form of this question:

Would a duck eat half chewed cured meat?

The answer was yes. Yes it would.

Love is something if you give it away

This is one of your favourite songs to sing at the minute.

This and, 'Do you want to build a snowmaaaaaan?'

The bath: the only place to eat a calypo

The Eclipse

On 20th March there was a solar eclipse. Daddy watched it at school through a pinhole in some card. Mummy watched it at work through some sunglasses. You watched it at nursery.

We all saw it. It was dead brilliant. 

You had been taught the word 'eclipse' but it eluded you once we tried to get you to recall it for yourself. 

That's okay, Noah. You're only small.

I don't know how true it is, but someone told me that by the time the next full solar eclipse that is visible in the UK comes about, we will all be dead.


The Tiger Who Came to Tea

This high concept book is remarkable. You love it.

And why wouldn't you?

Some of the funny things you've been saying

This happens all the time. You say something really funny that is ripe for blogging about, but by the time we come to write about it, it's forgotten.

What is funny about the things you say, often, is that you seem too young to say them, So some of the words, when written down, don't seem that funny but being there and hearing you say them is always hilarious.

Here's a couple of good ones recently:

(Pointing at mummy's breasts.)

"Big boobies, mummy. Very big. Very big and strong."

(When rolling about in the bath.)

"I'm swimming like a bird!"

(When the parents die on the sea in Frozen.)

"Her mummy and daddy are gone aren't they? I don't like that bit, Daddy. I don't like the sea."

(When we have a family cuddle.)

"We are best friends, aren't we."

(When you think of something that scares you. The reference specifically is about a kids video on YouTube that you watch but there is a character you poo your pants about.)

"It's only a puppet, isn't it? It's only mummy's hand."

(When walking through the wooded area at Center Parcs)

"Trees, trees and more boring trees."

Whenever we think of or hear any more, we will add them.

Monday, March 2, 2015

An aversion to the cold weather

You have developed a sudden aversion to any kind of cold weather. This morning, it started snowing briefly when we were on the way to the car. You started crying over and over again, "I WANT TO GET IN THE CAR! I WANT TO GET INTO THE CAR! I DON'T LIKE THE SNOW! I WANT TO GET INTO THE CAR."

Grandma and Grandad took you to Abbey Park and you refused to get out of the car because it was, 'Too windy.' So they obliged your whims and went home without experiencing the park! Imagine that!

Anyway, Grandma taught about lots of different fish and you showed them to me in your jigsaw puzzle book.

Your favourite is the lion fish.

Nasty, nasty Grandad

But this video is incredibly hilarious.

We almost didn't upload this video

We nearly didn't upload this video because it looks cruel. Noah, let's get one thing straight: this is not cruel. You were over-tired and desperate for your bed. This meant that your patience was wafer thin and daddy was intent on pushing you ever so slightly over the edge. For some reason, you did not want to share the responsibility for, 'Pressing the button.'

For this reason, daddy wanted to press the button.

Until you flipped.

Let's just make one other thing clear. The teasing stopped at the end of this video and we had a really big cuddle. We were friends again.

Chocolate coins!

We made a big effort to set up how your presents were laid out on christmas morning. There was a string of presents and chocolates leading to an explosion of different sized presents.

You only cared about the chocolate coins.

Waking up on christmas morning

Christmas Eve excitement

This is late, late, late. But at least it's here. The following couple of videos will be christmas videos.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

You are always screaming at Happy to get down.

Happy, get down!

Talking, talking talking!

We have written so many posts in your short little life about how adept you are becoming at talking that it seems almost boring.

But it's not.

Not to us anyway.

It has been really astounding how well you have been able to pick up language. Tonight, as I write this, the book we read before you went to sleep was The Very Hungry Caterpillar. All we have to do for most of the book is give you a few prompts and you reel off what it says on the pages. The same goes for Roaring Rockets. "Rockets have power. They rise and roar. This rocket's waiting, ready to soar." etc

Today, when you were in the living room playing with your train, you said (for the first time to our ears) "Oh my goodness!" When your mummy laughed and said, "What did you just say, Noah?" You had to think about it because you couldn't remember then said, "Oohya barnies!"

Similarly, you have started to remember your dreams. The other morning, when mummy went in to get you, the first thing you said was, "Mummy and Daddy were lost." Curious and smiling, your mummy asked you to give a little more information and you said, "I stayed with the lions"

"The lions, Noah? Oh!"

"I cuddled one."

"You cuddled one?"

"It was only a little one."

We love the idea that you had a little anxiety dream about being away from us but you filled that void with cuddly lions.

Your mummy and daddy love each other an unquantifiable amount

A fuller blog about Paris will follow, but Noah, you can forever be utterly safe and secure in the knowledge that your parents have, currently do and forever will completely adore one another.

Two of your biggest loves include ice-lollies and the park

As these two pictures show beautifully.

This car is for sale

This seems like a good idea. In many years' time, we will look back at this particular blog post and say things like, "Can you remember that car, Noah? It's the car you loved daddy picking you up from the nursery in because we didn't use a car seat so you could sit in the front, 'like a grown up,' and daddy would drive the half mile car journey extra slowly so as to not get into any trouble."

Those kinds of things.

A new sister update

Your new sister is currently being made at a terrific rate. Your mummy is cooking her really well in her tummy. You are in several different minds about having a sister. Most of those minds seem to be, let's just say, rather down on the idea...

We think you are going to be a wonderful big brother of course. At first, however, there will be a transitional stage where you will have to go through the journey of knowing that you are no longer at the dead centre of our universe - you now share that position with another person.

You are getting better and better at sharing, which is a good thing.

You will also be sharing this blog.

Football with coach Debs as mother and several different fathers

This new year, you have joined Little Kickers. It is a weekly football training session in Oadby. At first , when we took you in, you seemed a little intimidated as all the other boys and girls are seemingly a little bit older and you hadn't been before.

Then the games all started. You flipping love it.

Each week it is based on a different theme. So the first week it was based on pirates. This meant that you had to run around from ship to ship, collecting treasure (football cones) and firing cannons (footballs) at other ships (more cones arranged into a vague circle) and on and on.

The next week, the theme was based around racing cars so you had to drive around and shout abuse out your window and other stuff like that. Again, you loved it!

The best part for you is at the end when you queue up with all the other children to have a stamp put onto your hand. You are proud as punch.

And so are we.

Excited about being back

The boy is back! Lots and lots has happened. We will be trying to piece together the time spent away from the blog and fill in the gaps. 

It is going to be like the movie, 'The Hangover.'

(Especially given daddy's new Zachary Galafianakis beard...)