Friday, May 29, 2015

Stepping it up a gear

In every way, you are stepping up a gear at the minute. You keep coming out with more and more remarkable little nuggets. At the hospital, when we went with mummy for a check up, we had to see a number of different people. By the time it came to seeing the consultant, she finished checking mummy over and you said to her, "No complications then?"

The lady looked astounded and then said no, young man, no complications.

The fact that you didn't understand what you were saying made it all the more funny.You had obviously picked this up from one of the previous medical professionals prodding at mummy's tummy.

You've also stepped it up at home. You are less contrary of late, but you have taken to picking arguments when you are in the mood.

The best example of these arbitrary arguments is when you said something and I said, "Yeah, big time!" You went on to insist that it was, in fact, 'Little time.' Again, you had no idea why, but you wanted to pick an argument. Because I didn't yield (because I'm too proud and if you think I will just let you be right when I know you are wrong, you can shut up) you ended up a blubbering wreck on the floor, screaming, "IT'S LITTLE TIIIIIIME!"


On the other hand, you are being unbelievably affectionate and wonderful. You seem to have really pumped that up since it dawned on you there will be a little baby sister to contend with soon. Interesting.

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