Monday, July 1, 2013

Development of the boy

Noah is just under 7 and a half months and his development seems to be on the verge of some gigantic leap. It feels as though he has reached the base camp at Everest and he is preparing for a mighty climb. Constantly unhappy with what he has in his hands and always, instead, wanting whatever is just out of his reach, he is living in something of a perpetual, frustrated limbo. He has reached the point where he knows that he can do things and eat things and engage with things but he lacks the mobility to get them for himself. He is strong and squirmy and currently virtually impossible to hold for more than 5 minutes because he wears you down with his relentlessness. He's like the terminator in the first film after he's been chopped in half. Sadly, unlike the half-terminator, Noah cannot crawl. He can sit up straight and  reach for things with his hands like a 60stone bedbound American woman, but any kind of true mobility continues to evade him.

This, of course, has been a brilliant source of fun for Cheryl and I as we leave things just out of his podgy reach and watch his frustration (and skills) blossom.

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