Sunday, March 30, 2014

Some choice pictures from the zoo

Your mummy is quite upset as I type this because she mentioned how few of the following pictures (that were taken at the zoo as part of mother's day) actually contain you and your mummy. There are zero.

There is good reason for this, though. Of your parents, your mummy is the one with an eye for a good photograph. Daddy, not so much. So unless she does a selfie, she doesn't really appear. Daddy will make a similar promise as he has done before and try harder to take more pictures of you two together.

First of all, here is a picture from NoahCam:

Here is an elephant looking in a mirror:

Your eyes seeing a tortoise for the first time:

You carefully explaining to me the reasons why you think Jurassic Park could never happen in real life:

Daddy hatching an evil plan:

And Daddy being a good parent, letting you wander away. You were gone for about 40 minutes.

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