Monday, November 26, 2012

Ungrateful uncle Harvey

I was just tidying up the living room today when I saw a bit of a frown on Noah's little face. I asked him what the problem was but he just looked a little coy and said nothing was wrong. Being his dad, I can tell when something has upset my son so I stopped what I was doing and asked him again. This time, he looked down to the ground and pointed over at a red envelope on the table. I went over and looked at what he was talking about. On the front, Noah had written "For my uncle Harvey, Love from Noah x". Confused, I looked back at Noah and he just said "he left it here, Daddy. Uncle Harvey didn't take it." I gave him a big hug and assured him that he still has other uncles and aunties who love him very much, even if Harvey doesn't.

Here's a video to see what Noah was talking about:

1 comment:

  1. Nasty Uncle Harvey! Just because you'd worked all night the night before you turned into Mr Ungrateful! It must have taken poor Noah ages to package that cord up and write that letter! He won't forget this you know! Self self self!
