Friday, September 6, 2013

A castle all for Noah

Uncle Oscar and Auntie Caz went to Skegs recently. They didn't go for a holiday; they didn't want to relax on the beach or swim in the sea. The only reason they went there was to get a castle. They had heard through the grapevine that Noah loves being in the water. They also heard a rumour that his only paddling pool, lovely though it was, only had one ring on it without a puncture. And someone had been spreading chinese whispers about a castle paddling pool that was available to be won at Skegness Pier Amusements.

What is more, it was at a snip of a price of only four hundred and thirty thousand 'tickets'. These 'tickets' could be won by spending about three and a half months at two pence machines on the pier. 'We're going' Oscar said to Caz. 'Get your coat and scarf, we're going to Skegs.'

So they did.

And look how happy they made him.

He got so happy he asked if he could bite my finger. "It won't hurt Daddy," lied Noah.

Foolishly I said yes.

Then he just played in the paddling pool for the next three weeks.

Thank you Caz and Oscar!

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