Monday, September 23, 2013

Noah the parrot boy

It's amazing to watch Noah progress. He just starts doing stuff one day. For example, Noah has just begun mimicking us. He has already said 'Mamma' and 'Daddy' but now he is copying certain word sounds. This has perhaps been helped by the fact that Noah has done nothing but snot, cough and sneeze for the past week. Despite the fact that our house is entirely godless, Noah's mummy and I instinctively say, "Bless you". All of a sudden, he started mimicking the sound of saying, "Bless you," only without the actual words.

Just you wait until we manage to capture him singing. Yes, he has begun that too. You will shit your bed when you hear it. Anyone who has heard it so far have spontaneously cried (Cheryl and I).

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