Noah always finds the ability to smile and laugh. This was taken on the same day Cheryl and I tricked Grandad to take him for his 1 year jabs. We didn't let on that he would have to have three separate ones in both of his legs and an arm. Phew.
The smiles weren't around on Thursday evening though. Noah was watching the news as it broke about Nelson Mandela. Cheryl and I shared a glance as he played on the rug before the headline was announced. We knew Noah was not going to like this one. He said, "Mummy, is Nelson Mandela really dead?" Cheryl said she was afraid he was and that it was a very important, very sad day. There was a long pause. "Mummy, can we watch The Shawshank Redemption later? That's my favourite Nelson Mandela film." We stifled a smile at his confusion.
One day Noah, when you are old enough to read AND understand this, ring your Grandad and ask him for the real details of that horrible day and how Grandad got his own back!!!!