Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mummy and Noah

We are blatantly biased, but, objectively, Noah is the most beautiful and most gifted child to ever have graced the Earth.

He has become quite the mimic in recent months. Receiving emails from the NHS about the progress of our child, we were told that, 'by now, your baby may be saying words like "Mama and Dada"'. 

"No shit, Sherlock," was my arrogant reply.

The true state of affairs is this: Noah will attempt pretty much any word you throw at him. Sure, he won't always get it right, but he had "Mama and Dada" down months and months ago. The other morning, he picked up his Spiderman beaker and said, "By-ger" (spider). He picks up the bottle of bubbles, passes it to Cheryl and says, "Bubble" (asking her to blow bubbles). When you hand something to him, if you say "Thank you," he will reply, "Da - dum" with exactly the same inflection that you said it. At his grandma and grandad's as soon as you get him through the door he points at the football and says, "Butball."

And it's not just his bias parents and immediate family that notice how good he is. At nursery, they are excited every day to tell us all of the words they got him to say (he can say the names of all the members of staff and a number of his peers). 

I suppose, being his parents, all I want to say is that he makes us prouder and prouder every day.

Here are some pictures of Noah and his lovely mummy.

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